Club Library

Sapphire Coast Runners are pleased to be launching a Club Library so to help runners educate themselves about all things running.

How it works:

  1. Sapphire Coast Runners will establish a book collection for the club through various means:
    – People can donate a book to the borrowing pool
    – People can lend a book to the borrowing pool for a limited period
    – The club may allocate funds to purchase new books for the borrowing pool
  2. A borrowing list is maintained by the committee and posted on the Sapphire Coast Runners Chat group on Facebook
  3. Members request to borrow books by posting on the borrowing list post, and arranging a handover from the person that currently has it

Committee Member Steph Auston will be coordinating the library, and is now welcoming book donations for the library.  Please contact Steph via links on the committee contacts page

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